Natal Charts

 A natal horoscope or astrological chart is drawn from the exact time of a person's birth, and it gives a revealing glimpse into a person's character by analyzing the position of the planets and the astrological houses during the time of birth along with the person's astrological sign. The signs of the Zodiac represent 12 different types of spiritual energy and purpose. 

The planets in the Solar System are associated with at least one, but most often two signs of the zodiac. We are all familiar with the 12 zodiac signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. These signs are basically areas in the constellation where the planets pass through in a course of time. Where the planets are tell a lot about a person's character. When a chart says that "Venus is in Leo," it means that Venus was on that sign on the time of birth, and when it says "at 15 degrees of Leo," Venus passed about halfway through that part of the sky associated with that particular zodiac sign. All planets will pass through all the signs.

The 12 signs have an influence on a person all the time, and the energies of the 12 signs are present at the time of birth in various ways.

Each planet in the birth natal chart represents a function in a person's personality. They are grouped into two categories: personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) and outer planets (Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto)

The Houses

Houses are the frame of reference through which a person can identify the planet's positions against the background of the zodiacs.   For example, The first house refers to the outer self, the second house refers to wealth, the third house refers to the worldly mind or to explorations.  This continues through out 12 houses in the zodiac.

How to get your chart

To receive a Natal Birth Chart you will need to supply Name,  Date and location of birth.  If you wish a more detailed chart please supply the birth time as well.  This will give you your ascendant (rising sign and placement of planets in the 12 houses). It is by far a much more revealing look into an individual’s personality.

Put this information in the note to seller emailing  .  You may choose to pay cash in store and provide this information as well.  Charts will be emailed out.  Unless its a gift in which case you can request a personalized gift.  This same information applies to the synastry charts below.


The word synastry is made of the Greek prefix syn,meaning 'a bringing together' and astron, meaning 'star'. One of the most important tasks as consultant astrologers is to advise, through interpretation, the charts of human relationships.

Astrological compatibility (synastry) is the branch of astrology that studies relationships by comparing natal horoscopes. Relationships between planets, signs (types of energy), and houses (sectors of the chart) are described in words and/or often rated in numbers to show to what degree, how, and in what ways one person is compatible or incompatible with another. The assessment is based on the patterns and distributions of energy in the respective and combined charts.

The strongest aspects in your relationship based on real natal birth chart astrology. We use the most accurate individual chart based astrological synastry between you as a couple and highlight the strength of the aspects.


To have an accurate synastry  report you will need the Date, and location of Birth for each individual.  Supplying  the birth time is not necessary but if at all possible please do so.  The report will be longer, more detailed and  much more accurate.

Get a combination pack with 2 birth charts and a synastry Chart for one price