Booking appointments when traveling:
We recommend appointments should be booked 24 hours ahead of leaving.
When booking an LA you should also book 24 hours ahead. If you are gone for a week book your follow up for when you return, if your gone more Than a week skip the follow up and go straight to a 3 week booking. Book that before you leave as it will be harder to get in later. Booking is by appointment, We are just too booked right now to take walk ins but you can call same day to see if we have space. You can choose to book online, by phone or via email.
Changing your appointment, there is a green button in your original email that you can click to change your appointment time. This will not allow you to see what times are available for other practioners. If you are looking for a particular time and you don’t see it available, please call or email and ask if there are other times available with other practitioners.
Week Day | Open From - To |
Sunday | Closed for Business |
Monday | 9:30 AM - 8:30 PM |
Tuesday | 9:30 AM - 8:30 PM |
Wednesday | 9:30 AM - 8:30 PM |
Thursday | 9:30 AM -8:30 PM |
Friday | 9:30 AM - 8:30 PM |
Saturday | 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM |
To book an appointment, do one of the following 3 things.
1. Book Online: Click the above link. Note that the times of availability above are just a base work schedule. There are other times available on certain days but you must look at the calendar that is displayed once you press the book now button above, as it will not always be the same.
2. Call us at 705-742-6000.
3. Or Email us at
- Note that the old .com address' do not work anymore
4. Not all services can be booked online and must be called or emailed about. As follows, full leg and 3/4 body services, lash lifts and semi permanent mascara , and microblading. The reason for this is they are very time consuming and if a small service is booked in the middle of a large space you would never see that as available. We wouldn't never know you want the service so we couldn't help you. This way we can find the best time possible.
Notice Cancellation Policy in effect:
24 hours notice is required for a cancellation.
This policy applies to no shows as well.
50% of your apt fee that day will be charged for
apts that are cancelled the same day. Your first
time you will receive a warning.
As we are apt only you need to book ahead you also need
to cancel ahead of time. Your apts will be checked and noted
in your file of a same day cancel.
You can make a note in your cancellation if you wish to have special
consideration for the cancellation.
Your cancellation can be done by email, phone or by cancelling online.
your apt is not considered to be cancelled unless you receive confirmation.
online you will get an email, but by phone or email you will need a response.